
1. Make IT Simple.

  • Bear in mind that huge groups of people may be very foolish, that's why teams should be small.

  • There are no points awarded for complex diagrams, instructions, or systems. If you're unable to convey it to a newcomer on Day 1, you're definitely overcomplicating it.

  • Be constantly on the lookout for ways to simplify processes, and don’t treat anything as sacred.

  • Keep your work as minimalist

  • Utilize the three-step rule; result should be achieved within three step.

2. Insist on the Highest Standards.

  • Be clear with our standards.

  • Our standards are the minimum required (the floor), not something to attempt to reach (the ceiling).

  • Do not compromise on our standards.

  • Insist that everyone is always raising them.

  • Give clear feedback to individuals if they don’t meet our standards.

  • Remove those that cannot consistently meet and exceed our standards.

3. Always Be Learning

  • You need to keep on learning

  • Keep in mind that you not the smartest

  • Inspire other to learn

  • What you know today also known by millions of people

4. Frugality

  • Spend on things that have a long-term impact

  • Creatively solve a problem without spending much money will help both of your professional and personal life

5. End User Obsession

  • End User is the baby

  • User is the one that pay you salary, not the company

  • That doesn’t mean that the customer is always right, but their suggestion should be treated well

6. Have Fun

  • Life is short, smile, dance and celebration

Last updated